Staying Fit Boosts One’s Creativity

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle is important to each and everyone of us regardless of age. Just like the saying goes, “exercise to be happy” because exercising really do wonders to our body, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Although anyone can exercise, it is advisable for people who have a stagnant lifestyle to engage in physical activity. And there are various kinds of jobs that require you to sit the whole day. One example is artists and illustrator. The nature of their job is to paint, draw, and illustrate by, of course, sitting all day. A lot of artist say that once you decided to engage in such work, you will feel so tired even though you are just sitting and looking at the computer. With that being said, it is really necessary for artists to recover their physical well being by regularly going to the gym.

Sine we are already n the subject of working out. We have read some testimonies in the internet about how working out helps people bring out their inner creativity and fresh mindset. There is is this one artist who stops from working just to take a rest for a while. He then finds joy from working, specifically weightlifting while taking Then one time, after going to the gym, he decided to paint. Surprisingly there were lots of new ideas coming to his minds. Since that time, he managed to work as an artist again while regularly going to the gym.

But of course, in order to be physically fit, you need not only be active at the gym, but also eat a balanced diet. If you are exercising and eating right, then you will have an instant boost of creativity.

If you are an artist or your job requires long hours of sitting and staring at the computer and think that you are running out of creativity then this article is for you.

If you want to be creative and feel better at the same time, I suggest you follow these tips and guidelines.

  • Move around every 40 minutes of staying still in your desk.
  • Eat small meals every 30 minutes to avoid overeating
  • Have a regular me time