Art is an excellent stress reliever. It is not shocking, then, that adult coloring books, for example, have been selling like hotcakes for quite some time. This is a fine art form and the result also creates a lovely whole by painting the black and white sketches. It is not only a relaxing operation, but it also produces a satisfying result quickly.
While many people claim they want to paint or draw, many also do not want to try, because they feel they are not good at it. However, a new study from Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions found that the relaxing influence of making art can be felt by those who do not have a creative experience. So you think painting or drawing is a relaxing activity, but if you don’t think you’re good enough in doing it, you should put that idea aside for now and try.
The research
Girija Kaimal, an artist and assistant professor, conducted a study with 39 participants. Half of the participants had substantial painting or art-making experience using markers, canvas, clay, and collage materials. Half of the group had no prior knowledge.
The group was given 45 minutes to make something artful without an assignment. Afterwards, the cortisol level, or the stress hormone, was measured. It turned out that this was reduced in 75% of the group. While there was a difference in how much the level had fallen, there was no difference between the people who had experience making art and those who had never done it.
Anyone can be creative
So grab some pencils, paint and scissors and de-stress! Everyone is creative and can express themselves expressively in visual art
It is therefore not important whether you are good at it or have experience with it, it is purely about the activity. Although Kaimal had expected that the effect would be greater for people who had longer experience in making art. Important side note: the researcher indicates that it is important that people should be in an environment that is positively supportive. In addition, your own level of expectation also seems important to us: it is not very relaxing if you want to make something that does not work out as you have in mind.
Over all, be imaginative, prioritize the process above the result, and if you think you can’t – just let go of the obstacle and just start on what you want. It is similar in buying anything you like but don’t have enough money. You can look for coupons and deals online.